Dog Walk | 1260 € | ✔️ | |
A-frame | 1125 € | ✔️ | |
See Saw | 567 € | ✔️ | |
Jump | 126 € | ✔️ | |
Slalom | 288 € | ✔️ | |
Soft Wall | 540 € | ✔️ | |
Soft Long Jump | 270 € | ✔️ | |
Tire | 378 € | ✔️ | |
Set of numbers | 99 € | ❌ | |
Full set: | 5941.5 € | ✔️ | |
Tunnel bag | 27 € | ✔️ |
>> ENCI/FCI competition jumping + agility
- Qualified for the Individual finals:
° S,M,I: winners of Agility
° Large: winners of Agility and Jumping
>> Open run Agility
- Qualified for the Individual finals:
° S,M,I: first 5
° L: first 16
- Qualfying for Team finals: ¨Points can be collected
>> ENCI/FCI competition
Grade 1 & 2: agility + agility-bis
Grade 3: jumping + agility
- Qualified for the Individual finals:
° S,M,I: winners of Agility (not Agility-bis)
° Large: winners of Agility and Jumping
>> Open run Jumping
- Qualified for the Individual finals:
° S,M,I: first 5
° L: first 16
- Qualfying for Team finals: ¨Points can be collected
>> Team Finals
- EO style Team Finals
>> Pricegiving Teams and Party
>> ENCI/FCI competition
Grade 1 & 2: agility + agility-bis
Grade 3: jumping + agility
- Qualified for the Individual finals:
° S,M,I: winners of Agility (not Agility-bis)
° Large: winners of Agility and Jumping
>> Individual Finals
>> Pricegiving Individual Finals.
***** Rules Individual *****
The finals will be an AGILITY round that consists of:
S,M,I : 19 participants each.
Agility ENCI Fri : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Agility Open Fri : 5
Agility ENCI Sat : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Jumping Open Sat : 5
Agility ENCI Sun : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
L: 50 participants
Agility ENCI Fri : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Jumping ENCI Fri : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Agility Open Fri : 16
Agility ENCI Sat : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Jumping ENCI Sat : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Jumping Open Sat : 16
Agility ENCI Sun : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
Jumping ENCI Sun : 3 (1x Grade 1,2,3)
-If somebody is qualified but is not entered to run on Sunday, the next participant in the ranking will get that spot.
-If somebody is qualified more than once, the available spots in the finals will be filled up with the next in ranking from the OPEN runs, equally spread over Jumping and Agility, with Agility having the priority.
******** Rules Teams ********
There will not be separate runs for teams, points can be collected in the individual open runs.
Teams in each height category consist of 4 team members.
The team finals will be like the EO team finals.
To qualify for the team finals, the results of the individual OPEN rounds are considered.
For each open round, competitors will be ranked according to faults and time. The first placed competitor will receive points according to the number of competitors that have started in that round, the second placed competitor will receive one point less, the third placed competitor 2 points less and so on. A disqualification receives 0 points.
The points of the 3 highest ranked team members of each team will count towards the team result for both rounds (=
sum of points received).
The team finals will be:
Small: 5 teams
Medium: 5 teams
Intermediate: 5 teams
Large: 10 teams
The qualified teams in each category start in reverse order of the qualification score, so the best
team in the qualification will run last in the final.
All teams must start in the final with all the team members who were running the qualification before. If a team, which was running with only 3 members in the qualification, reaches the final, one member of this team must run twice.
There are some spots for sale:
3 days: 16 spots
2 days: 3 spots
Candidates will have to fill out the entry form and will be added to the waiting list
Spots will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve base, we will bring you in contact with the seller
-Handler Name and Surname
° Pedigree name and Petname
° Breed
° Chipnumber
° Jump height (S,M,I,L)
° Category (A1,A2,A3)
-Camping spot needed yes/no